At this address you can order flyers and postcards free of charge(all in German language).
The brochures are available as downloads.
Printed copies(all in German language) are available for the following nominal charge:
Active Birth... 1,- €
Child rights violations documentation by Iris Eichholz 5,- € (gibt es nicht in englisch, nur eine Din A4 formatige Fassung unter Publikationen, ib)
MotherBaby's way... 1,- € (graduated prices)
Gently and safely cared for... with the blood from placenta and umbilical cord 1,- €
UN children's rights protect the unborn child, strengthen the parents-to-be 2.50 € (in englisch als pdf vorhanden, sollte kostenfrei zum downloaden bereit gestellt werden ib.)
Please let us know your postal address, you will receive the invoice by email.