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Attention! The le­gal si­tua­ti­on re­gar­ding the use of ul­tra­sound

...during pregnancy has changed in Germany.

Doctors and all other persons are forbidden to use ultrasound on unborn children if there is no medical necessity, starting 2021. This makes baby television – as a private or Ige* benefit – to an offence against health-regulation during pregnancy, same as do CTG measurements and dopton applications.

The Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety follows the recommendation of the Radiation Protection Commission (SSK) and places consumer protection above the economic interests of ultrasound users.
The three so-called "basic ultrasound examinations" continue to be offered as legal part of medical pregnancy monitoring. The parents decide whether they want to have their child examined with ultrasound or not.

(*IGeL stands for “Individuelle Gesundheitsleistung”, means services which are not covered by the health insurance but need to be paid privately).

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