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Cord clamping ear­ly – con­se­quen­ces

Children have their own rights to protection

Young people want to become parents. They want healthy children and they have the right to say NO to routine treatments which, for example, interfere with the physiology of birth or disrupt the physiologically finely tuned mother-child rhythm.

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Children have their own rights to protection.
By premature clamping of the umbilical cord, the newborn loses at least one third of its total blood volume. Its birth weight is correspondingly lower and it has less fluid available - both avoidable stress factors.

The child is in fact a blood donor. It has its own blood group with a separated circulation from the mother. Therefore it is not right to deprive the child of its own blood and to use it for other purposes.

On behalf of the child, parents should strongly advocate pulsing out of the umbilical cord, with all empathy for those who may depend on the blood.
This is an important decision about the start of the particular child's own life with longtime consequences. In each case, consent of early cord clamping is required from the mother on behalf of the child. (1)(2)

Parents are strongly advised to consider the “Recommendation of the German Medical Association” that donors under the age of 18 and with a body weight of less than 50 kg be excluded from donating blood!

(1) DRK Blood Donor Service:
(2)Transfusion Act § 6

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