Diabetes test - good for your child?
Formerly IGeL* service - now mass screening
The diabetes test is voluntary for pregnant women, even though this examination is now covered by health insurance company. It should not be carried out without justification. Overweight or diabetes in the family could be such a reason, for example. The diabetes test is only offered in doctor’s surgeries.
The test has two levels.
1st stageFoto privat
You don't have to fast beforehand. You drink 50g sugar in a glass of water. After 60 minutes a blood sample is taken from your arm vein. If the level is below 7.5 millimol (or 135 mg//dl), it is considered to be clinically unremarkable and you do not need further testing.
2nd stage
If your blood value is above 7.5 millimol, another test is considered necessary:
- Your blood is drawn after fasting and your blood sugar level is determined.
- You drink a sugar solution with 75 g in a glass of water.
- After 60 and 120 min. one blood sample each is taken
On the basis of the results and if you exceeding a certain value, you will receive advice on diet and exercise. You will only be prescribed insulin injections if you really need them.
What does this mean for your child?
Children must also "digest" the sugar load test before birth. The small liver and pancreas must be able to cope with 50g (the first time) and 75g if repeated. It is stated that a simple piece of cake also contains the same amount of sugar, so it can’t be that bad for the child, however, this statement is unfit for comparison because sugar in combination with fat is digested differently than when a pure glucose solution is administered. The possible effect on the child is not mentioned in the declaration of this test, paid for by the statutory health insurance company, as we can see in the following message.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe(DGGG): "Furthermore, the DGGG welcomes the decision of the Federal Joint Committee of Health Insurance Companies and Physicians to offer all pregnant women the test with 50 grams of glucose and to provide further diagnostics and therapy as a health insurance benefit if the sugar level is too high. According to this, women between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy are now entitled to bloodsugar induced early diagnosis of gestational diabetes."
GreenBirth: If alcohol, nicotine, medication and all substances, whether dangerous or not, pass through the placenta, the sugar solution and the increase of blood sugar levels in the mother's blood could also affect the unborn child.
Therefore: Discuss it and decide after you have informed yourself.
*IGeL stands for “Individuelle Gesundheitsleistung”. This means services which are not covered by the health insurance but need to be paid for privately.