Due date passed – stress necessary?
... the birth approaches, a special time
The physical strain can be very tiring, the patience can reach its limits. It is wrong for women to be fixed on the due date now. A study has shown that the individual maturation period of a child can vary by about 5 weeks (1). The results come very close to the rule of thumb: due date +/- 14 days. For pregnant women, it is therefore important not to underestimate the difficulties. Nevertheless, keep your composure. Numbers and statistics are one thing - the natural principles cannot be standardized. The children need their own time and send the signal, when they want to be born.
Study on the length of pregnancyScientists advise obstetricians to pay more attention to the natural length of pregnancies. A new study shows, the length of pregnancies can vary by up to 37 days. By examining daily urine samples from 125 women, it was possible for the first time to determine the exact time of fertilisation. This allowed a more precise observation of pregnancy duration than with the usual question concerning the last period. This illustrates that ET is only a theoretical average of the birth period.
Study 2013
The German Society for Midwifery Sciences (DGHWi) writes in its statement on a medical S1 guideline*: "...In obstetric practice, the guideline "Procedure for exceeding due date and transfer" has created uncertainty. In many places, from the 8th day after the calculated date, without existing risk factors, induction referring to the guideline takes place, although the recommendation for induction from 41+0 SSW is by no means formulated as demanding in the guideline itself.
* The doctors give themselves guidelines in order to have a framework for action in case of pathological developments. S1 guidelines have a low scientific value, S3 guidelines a high scientific value.