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Programmed birth - 780 minutes time?

Assembly line births?

780 minutes = 13 hours. This is the time limit for a birth in Germany. This is what Mrs. Möhring said in the German Bundestag during Q&A Time 2017 (1). This means, 780 minutes can be billed to the health insurance company as a flat rate per case. According to the German Midwives Association, this amount of time is no longer binding. However, this means that a lump sum is also paid if a birth takes less minutes. An incentive to use contraction-inducing drugs?

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If the birth "threatens" to last longer, which is often the case with a woman giving birth for the first time, there is pressure to act: medication is given, interventions are carried out. Thus, additional costs can be deducted from the health insurance companies. E.g. for contraction-inducing drugs, epidurals(PDA), CTG, episiotomy, crisis plates, forceps delivery, caesarean section. The fact that a woman giving birth would like to go for a walk and move around in the hallway does not fit into the schedule, because during this time the clinic incurs costs because a bed is occupied without "anything happening".

This also explains, why many caesarean sections are already performed on women under 25* years of age. Most of them are primiparous. In the case of first births, the natural development of labour often lasts 18 to 20 hours. This eliminates the argument, women get so many caesarean sections because they are "old and morbid", according to a representative of the Gynaecological Associations in the Health Committee of the German Bundestag.

Collected quotes: "Something must finally happen here”... “if nothing happens by tomorrow morning”... “this isn’t working”..., “you have a contractions weakness”..., “only 2 cm cervix opened, if it goes on like this...".

These and similar utterances, which are often testified, cause pressure and stress. This is verbal violence, which prevents the necessary letting go and makes it impossible to trust one's own ability to give birth.

A birth program, in which speed is required from the opening phase up to the placenta birth, is at the expense of the health of mother and child, at the expense of a successful start phase into motherhood and family life. A clinic programme at the expense of the autonomous development of the baby, which together with its mother must not experience a finely tuned hormonal interaction. The pressure also includes cutting the child's cord in less than 30 seconds. The baby loses at least 1/3 of its own blood. The fact that this is necessary for a good and healthy conversion to pulmonary breathing itself is usually concealed from the parents. Instead, they are asked to donate their child's blood for charity. In this way, the baby can be carried away and examined by the pediatrician at the same time, saving time. There is no information that the clinic sells baby blood at a high price, especially as it contains the coveted stem cells.

We see in all this blatant violations of children's rights: to the best possible health, to a birth at one's own rhythm and pace, to the best possible nutrition (Caesarean section makes breastfeeding difficult) and to a secure bond.

* According to the Bertelsmann Study Fact Check caesarean Section, p. 45,

23.9% of women under 20 years of age underwent a caesarean section in 2007.

In the 20 to under-25 age group, 25.3% of women had a caesarean section.

In 2010, there was an increase of + 2.1 percentage points in the younger group of women and + 2.5 percentage points in the 20-25 age group.

Comment by the authors: "It is surprising that between 2007 and 2010 the C-section rate among mothers aged 20 and under (27.8%) increased at an above-average rate. In the age group 35 to under 40, however, the C-section rate developed rather below average in the same period ...".

The result of this study invalidates the thesis, the C-section rate increases due to the increased age of women.

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