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Right of Know­ledge and Un­tested Pregnancy

Basic Information

This is enshrined in law and you must be told about it. In principle, no precautionary measure or examination is mandatory. You always have a choice. It seems important to us to make it clear, that a distinction must be made between prenatal care and prenatal diagnostics.
Should you take the preventive care of a midwife, prenatal diagnosis is excluded. A midwife can be sufficient if the expectant mother is doing well. There is no reason for concern or cause for prenatal diagnosis if there are no indications of abnormalities.


An ultrasound examination can be useful in order to see the position of the placenta (uterus) and to find out whether there is a twin pregnancy. This examination is recommended by midwives after the 20th week of pregnancy. Before carrying out this examination, you may have to inform your doctor that you do not want a prenatal diagnosis. It is also your decision, whether you want to know the sex of your child during pregnancy.
You will also be offered prenatal diagnostics if a doctor does the screening. The distinction between preventive medicine and prenatal diagnostics is blurred in medical practice.
Ultrasound examinations can always also be used for prenatal diagnostics. You should know this to be in order to say no and assert your right of knowledge. Ultrasound should not be used routinely, i.e. without individual indication, because its harmlessness has not been proven. On the contrary, thermal, mechanical and cell culture effects have been known for years.(Ultrasound information)
Your child is at its best when it is allowed to grow in peace. Examinations cannot be justified by curiosity and the will to know, because they mean uncertainty for you as expectant parents as well as for your baby at the moment, when the doctor thinks he has seen something unusual. This is a burden and can affect the attachment to your child.
Some women have confidence in themselves and their bodies. Additionally it can be very reassuring to know that a midwife is available when questions arise. She can help you with her knowledge and experience.
She will refer you to a doctor without hesitation, if, contrary to expectations, your baby’s physical condition gives cause for concern.

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