Umbilical cord and placenta blood
Money-making with the precious raw material
Umbilical cord and placenta blood is a precious raw material because of the stem cells it contains. However, parents need to know that their baby loses at least one third of their blood when the umbilical cord gets cut within 30 secs or less after birth in order to extract blood for preservation or donation. In this case there is not enough time for the newborn to take their first breaths in their own time. For this reason the babies then lack of oxygen, iron and stem cells, which they could certainly use well themselves.
In the magazine Bioskop, number 55 from September 2011: To stimulate the blood business, promises are made that do not always stand up to judicial review. Annual sales of the company Vita 34 from Leipzig in 2010 almost 17 million Euro.Bioskop: “As a result of court judgement the private umbilical cord blood bank Vita 34[a company dealing with preservation of umbilical cord blood] is not allowed to promise treatment against any future deseases.”Foto: Nicole Ebrecht-Fuß
Conclusion of the court: “It may well be that through the treatment with umbilical cord blood stem cells in one or the other case, therapeutic successes have been achieved, but in no way can this be interpreted as a basis for a reliable therapeutic benefit.” Dangers for the children and their start into life are being concealed. Parents are not told that early cord-clamping (in the hospital) to gain the fresh blood can lead to a short-term oxygen deficiency and respiratory distress. The combination of breathlessness and anxiety during birth can be the basis for later anxiety disorders or even asthma.